The Harley Works
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Brad's Going Away Party

Stacia: (to self) Hey-yey girl, you -- are -- lookin -- good.

Oh, hi. Pardon my side shot.  Stacia here from WDIVA-TV in the best location in Georgia, DaeLite City. The city full of  Divatudes and Dudes.  And there are some handsome Dudes here.

Stacia: I am getting my fine self ready for a party.  It is hosted by the Hostess with the Mostest.  My friend Ms. Harley David. You know I've gotta look my best. This strand of hair in my face has got to go.

I will be seeing you there right? I thought so. Ooh, I look good.

Let's go.

Jass (blond): Thanks so much Vea for stepping in for me.  My feet hurt bad.
Vea (standing):
No problem. 
DollaDoll (in hat):
You need to find yourself a comfortable pair of work shoes.
 Yeap. Cute doesn't pay in this field.  You'll be cute with corns. 
Ouch, ouch, ouch. HaaHaaaaaa!
I know.  I will find a good pair soon.

She needs to wear something decent. And not just on her feet.
  Shhhh Harley.  She might hear you.  Is that fine Chief looking my way?
Girl he is eyeing you hard. How do you know he's a Chief?
I don't. Intuition.
And, he'll be at the party this afternoon.
Where do I sign---upp?  Hey-ey!

(They all laugh)

Harley was created by Lisa H.

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