The Harley Works
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The Case of the Missing Doctor
Where is Doctor Divane? - Pt 3

Vea: So, Taye what do you want?

Taye:  Something different.  Just do your thing, I trust you.

Harley: Oh gosh Taye, you're living dangerously.

Larine(on floor): I'm so glad you're back MiKayna.   I have missed you so.

MiKayna: Me too Sissy. Camp was really fun, but  I missed you too.

Larine: I can't believe you didn't call me.

Papoose: Glad to have you back Launa. It's been awhile.

Launa:  Yes, it's been awhile.  I just had to hitch a ride with Mikki. Wouldn't pass up that opportunity.

Vea (from her booth):  NEXT!!!

Vea:  Yu I can't believe you want your hair dyed.

Yu: Yeap, that's right.  Surprise me.  You did a good job on Taye.  I trust you. What do you think Mai Lee?

Vea:  Teeheehee. Mai Lee?

Mai Lee: Yu? You didn't.  Ok, ok.  My real name is Mai Lee not Mallee.

Yu: Oops, I forgot.  I don't know why you have to change.  Mai Lee is pretty name.

Mai Lee: Never mind.  I need to find Harley.  I'll be back. 

Taye: Captain, what are you doing here?

Spanos (whispering): Hey Taye.  Great new look.  The facial hair is a great touch.  Got a call from Donita Shell. She thinks Damon Divane is missing.

Taye: What do you mean missing?  Maybe he got cold feet. Huh huh!!!

Spanos (whispering): I don't think so.  He called her from Iowa and said he was on his way.  He never arrived and she received a picture showing him captive somewhere.  I  really need you guys to find this Doctor. Ms. Shell is a mess. You need to leave now.

Yu:  Hey, Spanos.  What's up?

Spanos: Erh uh, Hi Ms. Monroe.  Nice seeing you.  Got an assignment for you Yu. You gotta leave now.  Taye will fill you in.

Taye: Man, we gotta go.  Dr. Divane is missing.  I'll fill you in later. 

Yu: What do you mean missing? Oh, great!  I have to look like this.  Vea isn't finished with me. 

Taye: I know man but we gotta go. You don't look bad. 

Yu: Yeah right.  Let's go.  Where are the girls?

Taye: Don't know.  Let's just tell the others.

Yu: You're not going to tell them Dr. is missing are you? 

Taye: No way. Just that we have to leave. 


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