The Harley Works
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The Case of the Missing Doctor

Launa's Adventure - Pt 3


Charli:  I love this place.  So peaceful and a great place to stop while traveling.  
I hope the girls never sell it. Gosh, I'm tired. I need some rest.

Charli:  Who in the heck are you?
Launa:  Hi Charli.  I need to ask you some questions.
Charli:  Why? Who are you? I didn't expect anyone else to be here and how did you get in here.
Launa:  Can we go in the other room?
Charli:  I don't want to go into the other room.  I'm tired and want some rest.  Will you please leave?
Launa:  Well, I know you were in the reality contest to marry that Doctor.  Well he's missing.
Charli:  Maybe we'd better go into the other room.

Charli:  I don't know why these pillows are always out of place.
Launa:  So, when was the last time you saw Dr. Divane?
Charli:  At the contest.  Yeah, that was the last time.
Launa:  So you haven't seen him since?
Charli:  Now where did this pillow come from?  Huh?  What?
Launa:  So you haven't seen him since?

Charli: No, I have not seen him since the contest.  This looks better here.  Have a seat.
Launa (thinking):  She sure is short.  Something is up.  Why won't she look at me?

Charli: You know there were some strange girls in that contest.
Always whispering.  Talking about what they were going to do if they didn't win.
Launa:  Do you think one of them could have abducted him?

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