Charli comes in crying and upset.
Charli: Where is everybody? Noone
is here except Veronica's dog. Oh, my gosh. Where are
Charli: I must find them. Of all
times for them to be away. Where can they be? Ok, calm down
Charli. They have to be here somewhere. Try the other
Larine (standing): Charli. Hi Cuz.
Nice to see you. I didn't know you were coming. Harley
didn't say a thing. Hey, what is wrong?
Charli: I'm so frustrated. The most terrible
thing has happened. Doctor Divane is missing and they think I had something
to do with it.
Larine: Calm down and sit Hon.
MiKayna: Yeah, we heard he's missing.
Don't be silly girl. They can't think you did it. What
makes you think that?
Charli: Well, this Ms. L. came by the cabin and started
asking me questions. I sware she thinks I did it. She was very
suspicious of me. I can't believe it. The nerve.
Launa: Oops, sorry guys wrong
Leo (left of phone): Who was
Verbe (on floor): I have no idea. Probably
one of the girls from next door.
Jonel (lgt blue shirt): I think I want to
go next door.
(They laugh.)
MiKayna: Well, did you do it?
Charli: What? NO!!!
Papoose: MIKA????
MiKayna: I'm sorry. Calm down. Of course
you didn't do it. Did you? Where is he?
Vea: You were upset when you didn't win. You
were so close. You would have won had Donita not
Papoose: MIKA, VERONICA????
Charli: Sniff! I know. I wanted
to win so bad. Waaaaaah!
MiKayna: Well, where is he?
Launa: I'd like to know the answer myself
Charli. Where is he?