The guys see Charli David
and follow her.
Now, what are you
talking about? I haven't been to DaeLite. I know nothing
about this Doctor being missing.
Come on Charli. Who
are you foolin? Dr. Damon Divane. He's missing. Launa
talk with you about him.
Harley's buddy Launa? We've
never met. Oh, Yu. The Doctor from the contest is really missing?
You are serious aren't you?

Wait a minute. Something
is not right here. You are tellling us you were not in the contest? You
didn't know the Doctor was missing? Haven't talked with Launa or the
girls? I guess you've been right here all the time.
I've been right here. I called
Harley and told her I wasn't going to make that contest. I
couldn't get away.

Back at the cabin...
Mai Li:
Where have you been? Why do you
keep disappearing. I can't believe you left me here.
I had to leave.
I really had to.
Mai Li:
Ok, where did you go? I want to
know this time.
I'll tell you, but you must promise
not to tell anyone. Not even Yu. I could get in big trouble.
Mai Li:
What? Don't cry. Whatever it is,
I'll help you.
I don't think anyone can help me.
I've done something terrible.
Mai Li:
What? Tell me.
Harley (whispers):
(now aloud) And
I could get in big trouble for this.
Mai Li:
Oh my gosh. You didn't. Oh - my
- gosh. What were you thinking?
I know, I know. I had
too. Well, now I see it wasn't even worth it.
Mai Li:
You have got to call Charli
and tell her what you've done. I still can't believe you. Ahhhhhahahaha!
This isn't funny. I told you I
could get in big trouble for this.
Mai Li:
HeeHeeHeeHee! Do the
others know? Let's go. I can't contain myself.
Funny funny. You'd better not tell
a soul either.
Mai Li:
Well, you're going to have
to. Haahaa Heeheehee!