The Harley Works
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Babette Revealed Pt. 2

After a little discussion...

Charli:  Oh Babette, Korde.  I'm so sorry to hear about the accident and your parents.  Babette, no wonder you were confused. After all of that and Korde being out of town. You must have been devastated.  Both of you.  Please forgive me for hitting you Babette.  I had no idea.
Babette:  I do forgive you. I really should have stayed in the hospital and on my meds.   I thought Korde was dead too.  Plus I missed Dr. D. so much. He was really helping me through this.  I had no one.  I just can't open up to this new doctor.
Korde:  It has been tough on both of us.  For me to come back and see Babette like this.  The worse part was not being able to tell her who I was.  Or you. With her condition that may have been just as dangerous.  Especially since she thought I died in that accident.  I'm glad that's finally over. We owe Harley more than she knows.

Babette:  If I had hurt you, I would be alone for sure.  It scares me just thinking about it. 
Charli:  Well don't.  Come, let me show you something.
Korde:  Not too long.  We need to get going.  We have a long ride back to DaeLite.  Gotta get ready for our trip.  Let me check-in at the office first.
Babette:  Doctor's chores.  Haha!

Babette:  Ms. Charli.  This is great.  You have such pretty things.   I look pretty again.  Just like I used to.  Thank you.
Charli:  Please call me Charli.  Well, it's the least I can do.  I'm sure you've always looked pretty. This just enhances your natural beauty.  These are Harley and the other girl's things anyway.  Her cabin.  I'll be going back home soon.  Hey, I hear you're going to Dr. Divane's wedding.
Babette:  Yeah, we are.  We got an invitation.  I'm so excited.  I get to see my doctor again.  Well, my ex-doctor that is.
Korde (from other room):  Hey, what are you girls doing in there.  

Korde:  My two favorite girls.  The prettiest girls I know.
Charli and Babette:  Oh Korde!!  Hee hee hee!
Korde:  Bad news though.  I can't go to the wedding. Duty calls.
Charli:  Oh no Korde.
Babette (sighs):  That's ok, Korde.  I understand.

Charli:  What if Babette and I go?  I'd love to see Donita again.
Korde:  Charli, are you sure?  I don't want to trouble you.  
Babette (sadly):  Charli you don't have to.  I understand Korde is busy.  I'll see Dr. Divane another time.
Charli:  Nope.  I insist.  It will give us time to know each other better.  Let's go shopping first so you don't have to go back to DaeLite and get clothes.
Babette (in tears):  Charli.  I just don't have the words.  You're wonderful.


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