Dr. D.: Ok!
I sure hope Donita isn't mad at me. Well, this will be the big
test to see if she's really ready to be a Doctor's wife.
... Hi Donita sweetie. Don't hang up
please. I'm sorry I haven't called, but I've been with a patient
all of this time. It's a sensitive issue. I'll fill you in when
I get there.
You did what? You called the Police? Oh, no.
I am so sorry. I'll make it up to you. Bye Hon.
Dr. Divane? Damon
Dr. D.:
That's me.
I'm Detective Sughn and this
is Det. Lei. We're just following up on a missing person's case.
But, I see you're not a missing person after all.
Dr. D.:
Right. I've been working
on a sensitive case. I just called my fiance.
She was pretty worried about
you. Well, we're glad you're safe.
Off the record Doctor.
First, congratulations. How does it feel to be marrying
girl you don't know. That contest was a hoot. I enjoyed
it though. We actually thought some distraught contestant had you.
Dr. D.:
Well, I'm pretty excited about
it. It couldn't have happened to a better girl. Donita is a pretty
girl. Young and a Doctor. A chance any man would jump at.
Did I say 'young'? hahahaha!!! I have to be honest though, some of
those girls scared me.
I bet. Hey, we were almost
related. Well, sort of. Charli David was 2nd runner up.
She's my honey's sister.
Dr. D.:
You're kidding?
Small world.
We'd better let you go. Your
lady is waiting.
Dr. D.:
The easy part is over. Now for
the hard part. I've gotta schmooze things over with Donita. I sure hope
she understands.
Hey, she's probably glad you're
safe. Best wishes man. Nice bike.
Yeah, best wishes.
Dr. D.:
Thanks guys. Take care.
Yu, I agree with the Doctor.
The easy part is over. Now, who is being held
Yeah, and who is holding
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