The Harley Works
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The Case of the Missing Doctor

The Saga Continues - Pt 6

Harley:  Oh Hon, I'm so glad you're here.  What are you going to do?
Yu:  We're going to get your sister and Korde, Ms. Harley.
Mai Li:  You are a Godsend.  I know you can do it.
Taye:  Well, right now I need for you two to get out of sight.  We'll handle things from here on out.  In fact, go back to the cabin. Wait for us there.
Harley:  Are you nuts.  You know that is impossible. I can't wait there.  I'll have a nervous breakdown.  I have to stay here.
Yu:  Well, go back to the car then.
Mai Li:  Ok.  Come on Harley. 

Babette:  You're trying to play me for a fool.  I know you aren't interested in me Dr. Divane. You're trying to trick me.
Korde:  Babette, I'm not.  I want to spend time with you.  I want you to get well. Did you take your meds today?  You look pale? 
Babette:  I don't need meds anymore.  I'm all well.  I just need someone to care about me.  I need someone who is concerned.  I need a friend.
Korde:  I'll be your friend.  Charli will be your friend.
Charli:  I'm sure, Harley and Mai Li will be your friends too, but you must let us go so we can tell them.
Babette (crying):  I've gotta go. 
Korde:  Babette?  I promise, I'll stick by you.  We both will.
Babette (crying):  You can't.  You're getting married.  I'm going to miss you.  I don't want another Doctor.  I want you to be my Doctor and my friend.  I have no one else. Oh, I've gotta go.
Korde and Charli:  Babette!!!!!

Taye:  Now.  We'll wait for her to come out.  She has to come out sooner or later.  Then we'll nab her.
Yu:  Man, I just can't believe Babette is this unstable. 
Taye:  I know Yu.  But I do recall Harley telling me Babette once thought she was the Doctor's secretary.  She had everyone in the office believing her.  She was assisting patients, all along she was a patient too.
Yu:  We're in trouble.   I don't want to hurt her.  
Taye:  Me either. But we have to do what we have to do.  Charli and Korde's lives are at stake.  Depends on us.

Yu:  Going somewhere Ms. Babette?
Babette:  Hi Detective.  I was going to get my medicine.  It's past time to take it.  What can I help you fine gentlemen with?
Yu:  We heard voices coming from the other room.  Why are you here in this dark dreary place?
Taye:  Let us take you home. Come sweetie. You look tired.
Babette:  I am sort of tired. I could use a rest. Thanks so much.  Just let me lock that door. A girl can never be too cautious. I... 

Yu:  Hold it Babette.  You better stay here.
Babette:  What?  Er uh!  What's going on?  Let me go.  I must get my meds.  I need to take them on time and I'm late.
Taye:  You can have all of the meds you need where you're going.  How about you hold her out here Yu and I'll check on Charli and Korde.
Babette:  There is nobody in there.  I was in there alone.  I clean this place.  I was working.  Korde?  Korde is dead.



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