The Harley Works
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The Case of the Missing Doctor

Chapter 8 The Final Chapter - Pt 1


Babette (crying):  I've gotta go. 
Korde:  Babette?  Please let us go.  I promise, I'll stick by you.
Babette (crying):  You can't.  You're getting married.  I'm going to miss you.  I don't want another Doctor.  I want you to be my Doctor and my friend.  I have no one else. Oh, I've gotta go.
Korde and Charli:  Babette!!!!!

Korde:  So, what do we do now?  We've made her mad.
Charli:  I'm sure my sister will be searching for me. Her boyfriend is a detective.
Korde:  Yeah, I know Taye. They can't find us if they don't know where we are.
Charli:  Leave it up to Harley.  She'll find a way.  And Taye is good.

Taye:  Thanks Charli. I didn't know you cared.  Ha!
Charli:  Taye!!! I knew you would find me.  
Korde:  Man, I've never been so glad to see you.  Is Babette ok.
Taye:  She's fine.  Yu has her outside.  She sounds confused though.  She said you were dead.  I didn't know what to expect when I came in here. I can't believe you're so concerned about her.  She held you captive.
Korde:  She is confused.  Very.  She needs help.
Charli:  Where is Harley?  Where is my sister and Mai Li?

Taye:  Slow down Charli.  They are alright.  Probably outside in the car.  I couldn't get her to go back to the cabin.  Harley led me here.  She saw Babette leave with you in the car.
Charli:  She tricked me.  Said she was taking me to meet up with them. Taye, you are my favorite brother-in-law.  I love you. Thank you, thank you, thank you. 
Taye:  I'm your only brother-in-law.  Well, almost your B.I.L.
Charli:  Not soon enough if you listen to Harley.  But to me, you're already my B.I.L.
Korde:  Hey, what about me?


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