The Harley Works
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The Case of the Missing Doctor

The Final Chapter - Pt 3

Harley:  I'm out of control?  I'll show you out of control.  This is out of control.
Taye:  Harley, let go.. 
Charli:  Oh my gosh.  Harley no.
Korde:  Babette!!!  Babette!!!  I can't believe this.
Mai Li:  Help him Yu.
Babette:  Get her off of me. These sisters are nuts.  They need meds, not me.


Harley:  Girl, I am so glad you are safe.  I was so worried when I saw Babette drive off with you.
Charli:  Oh, what a scarey ordeal.  I'm so glad you saw us.  They never would have found us.  She's nuts thinking Korde was Doctor Divane.  She needs some serious help.

Harley:  Charli, if it hadn't been for me, this would not have happened.  I shouldn't have posed as you.
Charli:  Harley, you're right.  You shouldn't have. I forgive you though.  If it hadn't been for you, I might not be here.  I can't believe you pulled it off.  Fooling everybody too.  Now, Larine and MiKayna should have seen through you.  
Harley:  I didn't stay in their presence too long.  Plus, I wouldn't look anyone directly in the eyes.  The eyes tell all.
Charli:  Well we don't have to say anything to anyone about what you did, you know?  It will be our secret.  Just us two, like when we were kids.

Mai Li:  You mean just us three, don't you?
Harley:  In that case Mai, I crown you our official sister.  Or should I say Sista? HeeHee! 
Charli:  Yeah, Sista Officiale.

Mai Li:  Oh, thank you girls.  
Harley:  You know what this means, don't you?  You have to redecorate this place for free now.  Ahhhhhhhh!!!



[Click here to read Babette's Story]

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